Vocabulary list of jobs in Spanish and English

Here comes a list of common jobs or occupations in Spanish and English language. Let's find out how to say names of various jobs and careers. This list will help you expand your vocabulary and take a closer step in the process of mastering Spanish and English.

Jobs word list in Spanish and English language

Vocabulary list of jobs in Spanish and English

abogado - lawyer
actor/actriz - actor/actress
aduanero - customs officer
agricultor -  farmer
arquitecto -  architect
asesor -  consultant
astronauta -  astronaut
azafata - air hostess
bombero - fireman
camarero/a - waiter/waitress
camionero -  lorry driver
cantante -  singer
capataz -  foreman
carnicero -  butcher
cartero - postman
científico -  scientist
cirujano -  surgeon
cocinero -  cook
conductor -  driver
contable -  accountant
criado - servant
cura - priest
dentista -  dentist
electricista - electrician
empleado -  employee
empleado -  de banco bank clerk
enfermero -  nurse
escritor -  writer
estudiante -  student
farmacéutico -  chemist
fontanero -  plumber 
granjero -  farmer
ingeniero  - engineer
jardinero  - gardener
joyero -  jeweller
juez -  judge
librero -  bookseller 
marinero -  sailor
médico -  doctor
mecánico - mechanic
minero -  miner
modelo - model
monje - monk
monja - nun
obrero - labourer
oficinista - office worker
panadero - baker
peluquero  - hairdresser
periodista - journalist
pescador - fisherman
piloto - pilot
pintor - painter
político - politician
policía - policeman
portero - caretaker
profesor - teacher
psicólogo - psychologist
psiquiatra  - psychiatrist
recepcionista - receptionist
reportero - reporter
sacerdote - priest
sastre - tailor
secretario - secretary
soldado - soldier
taxista - taxi driver
técnico - technician
torero  - bullfighter
traductor - translator
vendedor - salesman
veterinario - vet
zapatero - shoemaker

So you've got a list of names of jobs in Spanish and English. This is one of the most common subject that you need to know when studying a language. Keep up on our site to sharpen your Spanish and English skills through various language words and idioms.

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